Monday, October 31, 2011

One word 'love' drives the whole 'world'

1. Living together without 'like' and liking without 'living together'. Both situation bring pain but first one is surely going to bring a disaster to life and second one will always give a meaning to life.

2. Sometime we want to stay away from them who are living in our heart and sometime we want to get a room in other's heart who are nowhere related to us.. This is the strange world of 'love', 'attraction' and 'passion'.

3. One word 'love' drives the whole 'world'.

4. Love speaks but with a silent tongue.

5. True love always speaks through our eyes and people with love can understand it easily.

6. The life in which we can surrender ourselves to someone is the real life and rest is simply living and wasting of every hour.

7. Speaking without understanding the subject matter means speaking for nothing.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Break the barrier in love but never break the love for barriers.

1. A perfect man is not the one who remove all problems from his life easily. A perfect man is the one who never become a problem for others too.

2. Ask the person to live in your heart who really know the value of your feelings and treasure your heart.

3. Break the barrier in love but never break the love for barriers.

4. Success - It was a dream.
Success - It was an ambition.
Success - It was a try.
Success - It could be a failure.
Success - It was a re-try.
Success - It needs to be a reality.
Success - It is here but with dedication

5. If you ever get a chance to speak with your own heart then ask him not to breath for each n every one and choose the right one to breath :-)))))

Friday, October 21, 2011

Hard to get the things that we like but a 'TRY' and 'HOPE' is always there.

1. Wind never blow in one direction always and so is our life.  Joy and happiness can be replaced with pain n sorrow and so we should prepare ourselves for the same.

2. If I am on the driving seat I shouldn't hear others as the control is in my hand and I know better how and where to move.

3. Starting your day with a prayer means resuming your previous day's leftover talks with the God.

4. Hard to get the things that we like but a 'TRY' and 'HOPE' is always there.

5. Pains and Sorrows -- Everybody gets but nobody believes and keeps on saying "why me only".
Smile and happiness -- Nobody is sure but everybody want the same every moment and keeps on saying "now and then".

6. Love happens when frequency of one heart reaches through broadcast to station of another heart.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Love can remove all the pains.

1. Sensation is the prime key to enjoy the presence of the person you like the most.

2. There is no need to live or enjoy the moment of passion with the person you love as loving him/her itself is the most passionate feeling and keeps us alive with full of peace and happiness.

3. Life full of love is the life full of happiness.

4. We can express our love in few words but we can't hold this love for a whole life unless our words are supported with our heart beats.

5. Love can remove all the pains.

6. Beauty shines more when we admire it and appreciate it.

7. No one can measure the depth of the Sea and so is our heart. Hard to find the depth but always giving a floating sensation and a sailing journey.

8. The morning rays always come to us but very few enjoy the rising Sun.   But friends always enjoy every second with memory of our loving friends.

9. Nobody knows from where this happiness comes but is it necessary to search for a happiness? Happiness can never be searched as it is created inside.

10. We can't become a role model for e'thing but we could become a small part of that chain of role models which brings a motion in the life.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Whenever I spread my arms in front of the big sky, I feel the whole sky in my arms and it gives me an inner satisfaction that the world is not out of my reach.

1. Problems in our life are not meant for trouble but these problems teaches us how to tackle them and makes us more n more strong.

2. No one is perfect in this world but everyone is having his/her own perfection qualities to enjoy the life.

3. Our PAST never tells us to cry for things happened in past but it gives us courage to learn from it and enjoy your TODAY and plan for the FUTURE.

4. Never look behind if you think that problems are chasing you but always keep your eyes open to find the solutions for every problem.

5. Someone's physical absence doesn't matter if he/she is present in our heart.

6. A heart full of love is the most beautiful thing that we can have from this life.

7. Never cry for things you lost on your way. Take it as an experience for future path of happiness and success.

8. If we can give a moment of joy and happiness to others then do it immediately as the very next moment the same will be back to you with lot of happiness.

9. Never stop your feelings and emotions for someone as it is the only media through which we can touch the soul of your loved ones.

10. Whenever I spread my arms in front of the big sky, I feel the whole sky in my arms and it gives me an inner satisfaction that the world is not out of my reach.

Life is happy if your GF become your wife but life is more beautiful when your wife become your GF also.

1. The success of life is not moving ahead alone. The real success is when we move along with others so that others' can also enjoy our success.

2. A friend can change our life and bring all the smiles on our face whenever we are in need of that....

3. Our words work in two ways, one it can have a knife way which cuts e'thing and the other cure way which heals e'thing. The second way is our treasure and we should keep it always with us. Good morning friends.

4. With or without, loved or to be loved, having or waiting, hopes are always alive for a positive response.

5. How can I bring the joy on others' face is not important but how can I enjoy the joy on others' face is more important. Good morning friends in 'Living by Heart'

6. We can bring someone close to us but can't keep them forever unless we share our best love with them. So, think of a life full of love and avoid distances.

7. A person is sweet not because he/she is good to others but he/she is sweet coz he/she lives in our heart.

8. It is always good to hear them who appreciate us but it is better to keep our ears on the critics with cool as they can tell us better about our shortcomings.

9. Shouting or crying is not a solution of any problem. If we are not satisfied with someone or his/her act then we should not loose our temper or cool as going hyper will reduce our thinking power and give others a reason to laugh on us.

10. Life is happy if your GF become your wife but life is more beautiful when your wife become your GF also.