Friday, October 21, 2011

Hard to get the things that we like but a 'TRY' and 'HOPE' is always there.

1. Wind never blow in one direction always and so is our life.  Joy and happiness can be replaced with pain n sorrow and so we should prepare ourselves for the same.

2. If I am on the driving seat I shouldn't hear others as the control is in my hand and I know better how and where to move.

3. Starting your day with a prayer means resuming your previous day's leftover talks with the God.

4. Hard to get the things that we like but a 'TRY' and 'HOPE' is always there.

5. Pains and Sorrows -- Everybody gets but nobody believes and keeps on saying "why me only".
Smile and happiness -- Nobody is sure but everybody want the same every moment and keeps on saying "now and then".

6. Love happens when frequency of one heart reaches through broadcast to station of another heart.

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